Romance Readers Ring

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Hello Romancelover!

Welcome to Daniela from Where's My Hero?

Daniela is a 32 year old goddess still looking for her hero, who wonders daily why someone with so much personality, wit, intelligence and beauty can't find a normal decent studly funny smart rich amazing real life Derek Craven.

If you've been around for a while, you know Daniela use to be I HATE AVON! but has recently decided to share more love and concentrate on a variety of subjects, mostly romance reviews, rants about Avon, herself, and her parents' attempts at setting her up on dates.

Question of the week: Daniela, do you have any pet peeves when it comes to plot devices?

"I HATE books in which the heroine, a virgin, is ruined by the drunk hero and then is forced to leave society and become a teacher of social graces at some girls' school; she later meets the hero whose niece, cousin, sister or whatever just so happens to attend the school. Whatever...pisses me off each time. I try to steer clear...also, of course, moronic heroines who give the hero a hard time for no reason and don't know the meaning of COMMUNICATION or asking a question. What's that?"

Welcome to the ring!

Happy Blogging,
Fiona and Dylan

Kerri Wall :: 9:41 AM :: 0 Comments:

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