Saturday, July 15, 2006
Welcome to the Romance Readers RingDo you like to read romance novels? Do you enjoy discussing romance novels and their heroes? Then Romance Readers Ring is the blogring for you! Join now and meet other romance lover bloggers just like yourself.
In this blogring you will find loads of reader review sites, avid readers who love romance novels and women who love to debate and discuss anything in the romance novel world.
Before joining this blogring you must:
►Love romance novels and discussing them.
►Have an established blog where you discuss your adventures in romance reading land.
►Play nice. We don't always expect you to agree, but we do expect you to act like a lady.
To join:E-mail Dylan and Fiona at Your subject line should read: RRR request and the body of your e-mail should answer the following questions:
1. Your name?
2. Your blog address?
3. What is the theme of your blog?
4. How often do you discuss the romance genre on your blog?
5. What is your favorite sub-genre of romance?
6. Who are your favorite romance authors?
7. What is your all-time favorite romance book?
8. Favorite Hero and Heroine?
9. What plot element just drives you crazy?
10. If you were to go to a deserted island and could only take three books, which ones would they be?
After reviewing your answers and checking out your site, Dylan or Fiona will e-mail you back and update you on your status with the ring.
Important Points:
●Only established blogs should apply for membership. If you are a new blogger, hang out, visit the sites, get a few posts up and then come talk to us.
●Members of the ring run the risk of having their sites spotlighted here at Romance Readers Ring.
●Bad behavior could have you voted off the island.
Happy Blogging,Dylan and Fiona